Thursday, 20 January 2011

In praise of stand developing

Had a go at stand developing for the first time this weekend. The film was Fuji 400CN (which I've since realised is a C-41 film, but it seems to work fine processed B&W), souped in R09 for 70 min at about 20 C, agitation for the first 10 seconds, and a bit more in the middle.

Really like the range of tones this has given, a it's kept grain right down too. I will definately be doing more in the same way. it's also far more relaxing than watching the clock to agitate every minute!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

A happy accident

An accidental partial double exposure on the XA.
Whitworth Gallery in Manchester, October 2010.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Yashica Electro

I had a Yashica Electro, and it was awesome, effortlessly capturing incredibly sharp and beautifully exposed photos like this...

And then it died. The electrics gave quit on me. So I junked it, and didn't have a Yashica Electro anymore. Until one happy day I picked up another one on ebay for about a fiver. This one was even sweeter, black finish, hot shoe, totally awesome. Except the rangefinder was out of vertical alignment, which made focusing a bitch. So I shot one role and then it sat in the camera wardrobe for two years until this week, when I stumbled across a post on flickr which explained how to fix that problem, which I think is now sorted.

I'm not going to go into details, because these pages already have, so if you need any info on fixing up a shonky Elctro, click these links.

Rangefinder adjustment
The ever awesome Matt Denton
And the brilliant Yashica Guy

I'll post some shots when I've had the chance to shoot a test roll...