Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Polaroid hack - First shots

Some shot's from the Polaroid 104/Kodak folder hack.

  • Great colours
  • Much sharper than photos from the 104
  • Shallower DOF

  • Very hard to frame shots! I need to make/buy/convert some kind of view finder...
But I'm generally pretty pleased with this so far. I need to get some more film and test it out in daylight.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Polaroid hack - poorman's 180

So... this is the back from a Polaroid 104, with the bellows pulled out and and old Kodak 620 folder, with the film door removed and the back cut and ground to make it fit in the Polaroid back.

Why? Manual control of the settings, a sharper lens and a bigger aperture. Plus the 104 wasn't getting used after I picked up a 320.

Does it work - hell yes. Shots to follow.